The *fee scale outlined below is calculated on the average cost of applying for a new premises licence (under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003), or to vary a licence (Section 34 of the Licensing Act 2003), to allow an ‘average’ business … Gambling: Subsidiary Legislation A licensee may make an application to the Authority for a duplicate gambling establishment licence, in Form 4 set out in Schedule 1, upon payment of the fee prescribed under Schedule 14, where the original licence is lost, mutilated or … Tasmanian Liquor AND Gaming Commission Casino Licence Rules Page created by Jill Phillips: Tasmanian Liquor AND Gaming Commission Casino Licence Rules Transfer of other property | Estonian Tax and Customs Board
The Gambling Act 2005 (Premises Licences and Provisional ...
Before any application can be made for the transfer of a Premises Licence, an application for a relevant Operating Licence must have been submitted to the Gambling Commission. Further details on Operating Licences and Personal Licences are available direct from the Gambling Commission at or telephone 0121 230 6666. Brent Council - Gambling premises licence transfer application Use this form to notify us that you wish to move your licence to other premises. Download the: Gambling premises licence transfer application form (.pdf, 255.8kB) Transfer of a Gambling Premises Licence guidance notes Transfer of a Gambling Premises Licence guidance notes This page gives you information on how to apply to transfer a premises licence under the Gambling Act 2005. You will find details on how to apply including the application form, the fee payable, and any additional supporting material that must accompany your application. Licensing authority forms - You also have statutory duties to notify the Gambling Commission as well as the applicant and other responsible authorities of the grant/rejection of applications (new, variations, transfers etc) as well as the revocation, surrender or lapse of a premises licence using the correct statutory forms.
Page created by Jill Phillips: Tasmanian Liquor AND Gaming Commission Casino Licence Rules
Notification of Automatic Entitlement Nottingham City Council supports a range of community focused services. Our team prides themselves on providing helpful service and aid to the wider community. Tackling gambling related harm a whole council approach The planned reduction of maximum stakes on Fixed Odds Betting Terminal (FOBT) Having the support of elected members machines to £2 is extremely welcome, with and the chief executive in changing our the LGA and others having long argued that … The Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Northern Ireland… 24.—(1) Where a person applies for a transfer of a bookmaking office licence the holder of which has not applied for a renewal of that licence, the court on the application of that person may renew the licence before transferring it to him.
Gambling premises licensing application fees | Licensing… Licensing schedule of fees and charges current General Licensing application fees and charges covering Other Licences, Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005.Transfer. £584. Re-instatement.
Transfer a Premises Licence (Gambling) - Torbay Council
Apply to transfer a licence which has been issued to allow gambling facilities within a premises in Torbay. Gambling premises licence transfer - Doncaster Council When control of an existing licensed gambling premises is to change to a different operator, it is necessary to apply to the licensing authority for the transfer of ... Premises licence -
Application form to transfer a gambling premises licence ...